Thursday, April 14, 2011

True friendship from the deepest bottom of little hearts


Today's moods and thoughts are basically a compilation of HAPPY :), FUN :D, EXCITED :0, TOUCHED :") and BLESSED :')  So, here I'll be telling you guys about the moods and the thoughts that have been wandering in my little mind since I know them. Know by means really know, not just simply know. It's different huh ? Yes, it is ! Little things do matter. :)

So here it is. Listen well peeps. :')

Today which is 13th of April, 2011 has been a very very very good day for me. Because I have them. <3 Who are them ? They are FRIENDS, true ones. That would last till heaven, InsyaAllah. :) Let me tell you who are them, in real.


She's the type of friend that would never ever choose who can be by her side. Saya dah kenal dia since masuk UTM. We're classmate, just a plain classmate for me before. Nothing really special. Plus, I'm quite scared of her. She is so pantang if she hears anyone burps in front of, behind and besides her. Kalau dia dengar, naya je, NAHAS. Nanti digelarnya kita jantan lah, raksasa lah. haha :D Funny though. And because of her 'rigid'ness or bahasa pasarnya ketegasannya, everybody in my class is scared of her, she's like a garang punya maktiri. HAHA. See how scary she is ? :S At first, me TOO. But yeah, that WAS before.

And NOW, she is one of my very BESTFRIENDS. SPECIAL one. Betullah kata old people kan ? Tak kenal maka tak cinta. Now, I believe so. :') I love her. Seriously. Deeply pure from my heart. Dia's hard for me to choose the words that best described her. Tapi yang paling saya terharu sangatsangat, hari nih lah. Cerita nya cenggini, tadi petang, me, her and our friends gossiped and talked. Sampailah keluar bab yang saya dah takde duit LANGSUNG. Tinggal 30sen jek T.T Then she said, she only has RM50 in her purse. And then she said something nice and sweet to me, "takpe pika, nanti kita beli nasi banyakbanyak makan samasama." :') I was touched to the deepest bottom of my heart. Itulah kawan sejati. Yang akan sentiasa tolong kawan di kala susah mahupun senang. Yang takkan berkira walau sesen pun. Yang akan sentiasa give support and motivation and advices to her friends.

Then, malam tadi kami berlima (Nad, Zati, Yat, Lisa and I) went out to do our Entrepreneurship project at the Jalan Ayer (kot) and Nusa Bestari. In the middle of the tour, she (Nad) told us that she's hungry. She hadn't eaten yet. And she said, "lepas nih nak pergi makan dekat FKE (a 24-hours cafe inside UTM) lah. lapar !". And we all were like "okay !" But, oleh kerana kewangan saya yang memang nipis senipisnipisnya, saya pun bagitahulah, takde duiiiit. And guess what she said to me ! She (a person with a pure heart) said, "Takpe pika, nanti kita beli nasi then kita share eh." T.T Mahu tak nangis hati nih dengar orang cakap macam tuh. huhuuu Dia sangat tak berkira okay ! Padahal dia pun takde duit. :')

Now, let me ask you guys who read this, if you are in my shoes, what would you feel ? For me, I feel BLESSED :"). Blessed to have her as a bestfriend. :)



Okay, now let me tell you about this lady, named as Zati. People call her as a kepochi because of her  talkative-ness. Back in first year, I admit that I didn't like her. At all. And I've confessed to her about this. huhu Why did I don't like her in the first place ? Because she was too kepochi back then sampaikan tak tahan telinga ni menadah. huhuu TAPI, now, dialah tempat saya mengadu domba pasal banyak benda. PSM, friends, life, and $$$$. She's like a diary for me, a place where I tell my stories full with sweet or sad memories, little or giant problems and etc. But, the best part is that, she'll respond to every single thing I 'write' on her. 

Sekarang ini kalau saya stress kat fakulti, mesti terasa nak singgah bilik dia. Even though jauh sebatu from my block. -____-" I don't know why. Maybe, I can only think of her whenever I feel like I need an exit to escape and run away from my life. She's a type of friend who would last forever, and when I say forever, I mean it !  Oh and, I love her too !


I've been closely friended with both of them since our fourth semester at UTM. And I'm glad that we still close. Yelah, kan dah hakikat manusia, berjumpa dan berpisah. Some of my closest friends dah pun 'degrade' jadi just friends. Sedihkan ? Tapi thank God, I have them. And I don't know why do people need to pertikaikan how did the three of us become bestfriends. Why and why ? Oh you guys wanna know why, jadi lah kawan mereka dulu. Then, you'll know, how blessed you are when you have friends like them. 

So, down here, I'd like to say a few words to both of them.

Dear Nad and Zati,

THANK YOU ! Thank you for being such nice friends. Pka sangat suka hangout dengan korang. Macam lupa semua masalah. huhuuu Malam nih sangat best !! Hari tuh masa buat entrepreneurship tuh pun, macam best gila. Kita berlima tido ramairamai kat bilik Nad. Order breakfast McD pagipagi buta. Sangat suka sleepover cenggitu. Best ! And sangat suka bila kita berlima berborakborak. Macammacam benda keluar. Seriously, heaven gila ! huhuuu Pka harap sangat lepas habis UTM ni, nanti kita jumpa lah lagi. Berborak macam sekarang lagi. Nanti mesti rindu gila kat korang kannnn ? hmmm Sedih pulak. Korang, pka sayang korang tau. Serious. Bukan acah acah. Sebab bila kenal korang lah baru pka sedar siapa lawan dan siapa kawan. Who's real and who's fake. And THANK YOU for everything !! Oh Nad, nanti bila pka dah ada duit, pka bayar na RM4.60 tadi. ngahaha !! And thank you sangat, sebab betulbetul jadi kawan pka. huhuuu :')

Okaylah, till here my writings. Nanti kalau ada something sweet, I'll post another entry kay. :)

p/s : True friends will come when you don't ask for them and when you don't need them physically but mentally, you surely do !
p/s/s : Yatt !! Happy Birthday !!!! 
p/s/s/s : Entrepreneurship pengukuh ikatan persahabatan. haha :D


nadiRASUL@iman said...

We are also blessed, befriend of u and the other 3 include mina, :) hoped that the bond between us will never ever break! From the bottom of my deep heart, thanks for willingly to be our friends.


<3 From this scary and keypoh friends (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

Shafika Misbah said...

:) "scary and keypoh friends" ?? ngahahaha !! sgt cute pulak. huhuuu