Thursday, November 6, 2014

20 More Facts About Me


Been keeping this to myself for quite some time jugak. So, let's get started!

21--  Chocolate I love the most is Nutella. Second is anything made from Milo and third one is Cadbury Blackforest. But since, Cadbury was found non-halal this year, so I've stopped eating it, even when now dia dah jadi halal balik. Tetap tak makan jugak
22--  I love to drift. Serius suka. Tapi tak disukai oleh most of my friends, sebab dangerous kan.. wuuu
23--  I always feel like I have wasted 7 years of my life.  -_-  Still could not be okay with it.
24--  Whenever I teringat abah, I will cry out of sudden. Airmata ni otomatik rasanya.
25--  I kinda hate my own nenek dulu, but now not anymore. I've learned on how to impress her-- just simply be rajin.
26--  I never knew that there is a short-form for I don't give a fuck which is idgaf
27--  Drinks I love the most are air jagung Kampung Bharu, plain green tea, jus durian belanda and air kosong suam suam kuku
28--  I'm a big fan of green tea. Anything that has green tea in it is my best buddy- listerine, chocolate, ice cream, chewing gum etc
29--  I met Ray EraFM once and took a selfie with him, showed it to my bffs and still don't understand whyyyyyy on earth they would still nak bahan kan kitorang ni muka sama everything- like we are not twins pun and memang langsung tak sama pun muka haha
30--  I hate man yang mula mula macam sukaaa and then habuk pun takde. pls don't play w/ my heart. It's still not recovered yet from past bad memories.
31--  I am a very outspoken person, sampai rasa menyampah dengan diri sendiri pulak sebab banyak kali terlepas cakap
32--  I really want to visit Istanbul, just to eat homemade icecream tu. MashaAllah terduga iman setiap kali tengok kat tv.
33--  I wanna be a doctor, a surgeon to be exact.
34--  I love my mom but I love my dad more and more and more.
35--  I notice that I am now more into black-coloured things. Idk why
36--  Apple products will always be my top choice over other brands, especially androids
37--  Lately I have been dreaming about makcik, pakcik, Iman & Adwa more often than before. Why eh?
38--  I hate cockroaches and was never brave enough to fight them, but now with the help of Baygon Cockroach Spray, dah berjaya bunuh more than 20 i think. What a victory!
39--  Rasa macam nak bagi pelempang pahlawan bila dengar skinny girl cakap "eh I dah gemok la". Like really? wtf?
40--  People selalu cakap that I look really alike Najwa Latiff tapi pika yang lahir dulu, so siapa ikut siapa sekarang? Blergh

There you go. Siap! Next time kalau ada terpikir lagi, nak buat lagi. Kumpul banyak banyak nanti dah tua boleh baca balik. haha



Evin Mohd Asri said...

I thhought I'm the only one yg rasa pika mcm najwa latiff!! Haahaha..

*kita stalk Pika btw :-p

Shafika Misbah said...

@Evin Mohd Asri haha NL tu yang macam pika okayyyy. Pika lahir dulu dr dia. haha Stalk laaa I takesah haha

nadiRASUL@iman said...

part najwa latif tu xleh blaa! hahahaha gila klakar!!! ntah u kan yg lahir dlu, so dia la yg mcm u! kui3

Shafika Misbah said...

@nadiRASUL@iman haha finally! ada someone yang setuju!! :D Yassss