Friday, July 25, 2014

20 Facts About Me


So, Zalman gave his staffs a green light to go back home early today. Early as in half day, and without the need to apply for leave. So.... yeayyy for that! ^_^

Since I have plenty of time now, I was thinking why not I post an entry of "20 Facts About Me"? I once did this one tag that has the same concept with "20 Facts About Me" tag, but that was a very long long long time ago. So here it is, a new version of that tag. 

  1. My full name is Noorul Shafika Binti Misbah, but I prefer to be called by the name Shafika instead of Noorul.
  2. My high-school-mates call me Kuneng, because I was a librarian, and back then all librarians must wear yellow-brown school uniform.
  3. My colleagues in Celcom call me Fika, and not Pika. Thanks to Mem, though.
  4. I am an Aquarian who born in the year of Snake, sometimes I wish I was born as Sagittarius or early Capricorn, just because I like being young a little bit longer every year.
  5. My one and only ambition is to become a surgeon. Though I don't fancy watching doctors tear up people's body, but I really want to be in that doctor's position. I don't like to watch but I like to do it myself, if you know what I mean.
  6. I lost my father in 2013, after 24 years of living together as his daughter.
  7. Cats are totally what I am into. I adore cats, seriously. 
  8. But I hate hate hate cockroaches to the max. I don't even understand of what the purpose of them living in this world is.
  9. I'm pretty sure I am an indecisive shy extrovert sanguine, if that even makes sense.
  10. Choosing from options and making a decision are seriously not my thing. 
  11. I have a small yellow cute but very sturdy car, which I named it as Bumbleboo, only because Bumblebee is yellow in colour, and I like Bumblebee.
  12. I can live with just eating ice cream whole day long. Ice cream is my best buddy! My quickest record of finishing a 1 liter tub of ice cream is 15 minutes. Sure, you can call me ice cream monster. :)
  13. I can easily cry over small things, and July 2014 has been the worst month in my life.
  14. If I am hungry, and I am not allowed to eat, I will cry, in anger. I don't know why.
  15. I cherish friends more than anything else. If possible, I would never want to say no to my friends if they were asking for help.
  16. I used to like the colour of yellow in high school, then in college and university, I fancied pink. But now, I adore emerald green, dark purple, soft turquoise and any pastel colours.
  17. I think I am a very stubborn lady. I am also straightforward in my words. I hate people lying to my face. But above all, I have this one soft tiny little heart.
  18. Respect is my principle. Youngsters need to respect the elders, but in the same time I am not siding to elders who don't know how to treat youngsters with respect.
  19. I have a mind that I myself can't control. And I hate hormones.
  20. I just deactivated my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Foursquare. But once in a while, I reactivate my Facebook & Twitter, just to let the systems know that I am still alive and one day, I might want to stay activated on them both.
So there you go, 20 facts about me that I don't really sure if people around me are aware of. I think I need to go back home now. It is 3.41 in the afternoon, and I still have a few places to go before I get home.

See you, bye.

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