Monday, May 8, 2017

Choices in life


Sometimes in life, we make good choices out of maybe intuition or say, good feelings about them. But we can never run away from selecting bad choices as well. It's unavoidable. It's a part of our life. It is what makes us stay human.

Sometimes, the bad choices we chose led us to rainbow with unicorns on it. And there are also the ones that brought regret into our souls. Like those that I have been making all along. *sigh*

I pushed people away. Especially good men. I pushed them away just because I thought I wasn't ready or they're not meant for me or worse, it wasn't enough. I thought love is not enough when there is no effort tagged along in it.

And now, I got to feel the taste of it. The taste of regrets. I wish I was this ready and this confident when they confessed their love and expected me to return it back; wrapped with my love.

But hey, life is unexpected. If not, it wouldn't be adventurous. It would be as bland as tea with a generous amount of unsweetened milk.


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